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The Specialized Technician program in Computer Systems and Network, in frensh Technicien Spécialisé en Système et Réseau Infomatique, it takes 2 years of training. Its purpose is to prepare the trainee for the exercise of the profession of Specialized Technician in Computer Network Techniques. Ensures the implementation, maintenance and security of the company's information systems & networks.


Downoald here a file that conains all the information about TSSRI
document Technicien Spécialisé en Système et Réseau Infomatique(TSSRI)

The Computerized Management Technician program, in frensh Technicien en Gestion Informatisée takes 2 years. It aims to initiate the trainee to understand the operation and management of the company and to acquire advanced computer knowledge that he can apply in the IT or accounting department where he will be assigned.


Downoald here a file that conains all the information about TGI
document Technicien en Gestion Informatisée(TGI)

The Data Entry Operator program, in frensh Opérateur de Saisie takes one year. It aims to initiate the trainee to master office automation and communication techniques, to be able to handle computers and to navigate and collect information on the Internet.


Téléchargez ici un pdf qui contient toutes les informations sur OS
document Technicien en Gestion Informatisée(OS)
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