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Institut New System (INS) was created on the initiative of its founder M. Mourad BERDEYat the end of 1995. Its vocation consists of training technicians and technicians specialized in the fields of IT, management, office automation, maintenance and telecommunications.

INS has had a successful career, which has enabled it to easily obtain its qualification and accreditation, which is recognition of the quality of the programs provided and of the management system operated in the establishment.


The success of Institut New System in the field of training is the result of more than 25 years of experience. An evolving training that favors the trainee and places him at the center of our value system.

Hundreds of INS graduate trainees now hold operational managerial positions in national companies.

INS is among the first professional training institutes at national level to actively participate in the accreditation process. The accreditation system guarantees the effectiveness of studies and brings recognition by the state of our diplomas which are co-signed by the supervisory ministry. accreditation logo
point fort


  • A Structured and Rigorous Organization.
  • A friendly, warm and efficient welcome.
  • Competent and Motivated Trainers and Professionals.
  • Pleasant, air-conditioned and fully equipped room.
  • Training by practice.
  • Audiovisual training.


Is to support our partner companies in their development processes by adapting training programs to their needs with a view to matching training and employment.


notre mission


notre force


Is the conviction of our teams and the personalized supervision of our trainees.


Is to succeed in the professional integration of our graduates. Since our inception, we have successfully integrated many professional DTS, DT, and DCP integrations. We owe this success to the quality of the teams, to our teaching method, but also to the close relationship with partner companies.


notre objectif

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Institut New System
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